
Employee Experience Research

Date: October, 2020
File under: News & Events

What is your employee experience in a COVID-Normal or Post-COVID workplace?

We can help you understand what your employees need to continue adapting to new ways of working and ensure smooth transitions as your business transforms.

Talk to us about how we can apply human centred design and research methods to;

  • Evaluate the impact of the changes you may already have in place.
  • Work with you to innovate and explore new norms creating the right environment and conditions for employee satisfaction, retention, inclusion, and engagement.

We can answer the questions you have at team, department and organisation levels and help you understand employee behaviours across locally and remotely distributed workforces. We can then bring the insights and recommendations to life through the creation of employee personas and experience maps, and detailed reporting to take the guess work out of ‘what next?’

Get in touch with us to start the conversation.


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